Second biggest territory in the world after Russia. Canada is a confederation divided into ten provinces and three territories.
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Canada ★★★
Recommended for: Doing business with the USA, SMEs, consultants & service providers
There are plenty of advantages for a company owner to set up a company in Canada, bilingual country French-English, proximity with the USA, high level of education, and very attractive conditions for foreign investors.
Type of company commonly registered:
The most common type of company incorporated by foreign investors is the LP (Limited Partnership) located in the province of Ontario or Alberta. The main advantage of the LP is its administrative simpleness mixed up with a very high tax competitiveness.
- Easy to trade with the USA
- 0% corporate taxes (for profits made outside Canada)
- 25.5% corporate taxes for activities on the Canadian territory
- No minimum capital required
- The director can be foreign resident
- No restrictions, except regulated activities (financial, banking, online gambling, insurance)
- Simplified paperwork

Mandatory bookkeeping | Yes |
Account opening | 10 days |
Mandatory travel | No |
Intracommunity VAT | No |
Obtaining of residency via company | No |
Access to European market | Yes (high fees) |
Estonia ★★★★
Recommended for: startups, consultants, nomad entrepreneurs , IT services
With a population slightly over 1.3 million people, Estonia is the smallest and the most northern baltic republic.
The service sector is in constant growth and reach today 71% of the total GDP, due in particular to a unique and very attractive fiscal legislation. Indeed, since many years, Estonia has switched to a fully digital and optimized administrative system, which allows entrepreneurs to manage their company remotely and from anywhere in the world in just one click.
Type of company commonly registered:
The OÜ (Limited Liability), with a minimum equity capital of 2,500EUR, has to be paid-up at the creation.
- 0% corporate taxes
- The company can be fully managed remotely
- Shareholders or directors can be non-residents
- Few formalities
- Low accounting fees

Mandatory bookkeeping | Yes |
Account opening | 5 days |
Mandatory travel | No |
Intracommunity VAT | Yes |
Obtaining of residency via company | No |
Access to European market | Yes |
France ★★★
Recommended for: media companies, R&A, hotel industry, luxury industry
France is famous for its exceptional heritage and its local products exported all over the world.
The medical sector as well as the R&A are 2 fields that represent a real opportunity for foreign investors. Furthemore, thanks to the tax credit research which provides a tremendous tax rebate for companies, France has implemented a tool that represents a unique comparative advantage in Europe for those willing to set up their R&D on the continent.
Type of company commonly used:
SARL and SAS ( LLC), with a minimum equity capital of 1 EUR, the company can be owned by EU citizens without restrictions. However, the extra-european citizens have to have at least a resident permit in the Schengen Area.
- 2.1% VAT for media companies (web or print)
- Tax credit for R&D
- Low incoporation fees
- Low accounting fees

Mandatory bookkeeping | Yes |
Account opening | 15 days |
Mandatory travel | Yes |
Intracommunity VAT | Yes |
Obtainening of residency via company | No |
Access to European market | Yes |
Hong Kong ★★★★
Recommended for: Doing business in Asia, e-commerce, asset management
Located on the edge of the pearl river and the South China Sea, Hong Kong has become one of the major player in the international trade.
Its proximity with the chinese industries, its human ressources and its perfect interlocking with the global banking system make Hong Kong the place to be for foreign investors in Asia.
Type of company commonly registered:
The LLC, limited at 10,000 shares, the common capital is usually 10,000 HKD (1120 EUR). Furthermore, the company has to have at least one director (the director can be non-resident) and one local secretary
- 0% taxes on foreign incomes
- VAT Exemption
- No customs duty
- 8.25% taxes on the first 2 million dollars (HKD) made on the territory of Hong Kong and 16.5% above.

Mandatory bookkeeping | No |
Account opening | 5 days |
Mandatory travel | No |
Intracommunity VAT | No |
Obtaining of residency via company | No |
Access to European market | Yes (high fees) |
Latvia ★★★★
Recommended for: holding, IT services, logistics
Member of the European Union since 2004, Latvia is a country located in Northern Europe in the Baltic Region. Latvia is a member of the 3 Baltic countries : Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania; The average GDP growth is constantly around 3.5% since 2010, what is one of the highest rate among the EU members.
Thanks to a very attractive tax legislation, the service sector is in constant growth and counts today for about 74% of total GDP,
Indeed, since many years, in order to attract foreign companies, Latvia has implemented a very ambitious economic policy, in particular in the IT sector, what makes latvia a heaven for digital companies and all related activities.
Type of company commonly registered:
The most common type of company registered in Latvia in the SIA (LTD). A SIA is intended to cover any local or international activities and can be entirely managed remotely.
- 0% corporate taxes
- Minium capital required : 1 EUR
- Dividends can be issued 4 times / Year
- The director can be foreign resident
- Registration within 2 working days
- Easy and limited Paperwork
- Possibility to transform a SIA into a Holding at any time

Mandatory bookkeeping | Yes |
Account opening | 1 day |
Mandatory travel | Yes |
Intracommunity VAT | Yes |
Obtaining of residency via company | Yes |
Access to European market | Yes |
Spain ★★★
Recommended for: holding, SMEs with important international activities, investment
Spain is famous for its gentle lifestyle and its sunny mediterranean climate. However, only a few entrepreneurs know the advantages of setting up an international company in the Iberian Peninsula. Thus, since the middle of 90’s, Spain has implemented the ETVE holding which has become an inescable tool on the international stage.
Type of company commonly registered:
2 types of companies:
The SRL or SL (Limited liability company), with a minimum equity capital of 3,006 EUR which has to be paid-up at the creation.
The Sociedad Anónima (PLC), with a minimum equity capital of 60,001 EUR, only 25% has to be paid-up at the creation.
The Sociedad Anónima (PLC), with a minimum equity capital of 60,001 EUR, only 25% has to be paid-up at the creation.
- 0% taxes on capital gains or generated outside of Spain.
- The management center has to be based in Spain.
- The subsidiaries of the ETVE do not have to lead any activity in Spain.
- The shares cannot be bearer shares.
- The subsidiaries cannot be located in tax heavens.

Mandatory bookkeeping | Yes |
Account opening | 4 days |
Mandatory travel | Yes |
Intracommunity VAT | Yes |
Obtaining of residency via company | Yes |
Access to European market | Yes |
Switzerland ★★★
Recommended for: industry, IT services, obtaining the swiss residency
Well known for its calm and its sweetness, Switzerland is a dynamic country and among the most innovative place in the world. Furthermore, the swiss economy is one of the most performant through OCDE nations.
Type of company commonly registered:
The SARL (LTD) with a minimum equity capital of 20,000 CHF. Plus, it is mandatory for company owners to have at least one local administrator on the company.
- 12.5% corporate taxes
- VAT from 2.5% to 7.5%
- VAT exemption under 100 000 CHF
- From 8.25% to 17% social taxes
- Possibility to obtain the swiss residency via your company

Mandatory bookkeeping | Yes |
Account opening | 5 days |
Mandatory travel | Yes |
Intracommunity VAT | No |
Obtaining of residency via company | Yes |
Access to European market | Yes |
United States ★★★★
Recommended for: e-commerce, asset protection, expatriation
The USA are devoted to the business and yet have implemented and unique administrative and tax environment for foreign investors and non-resident owners.
Type of company commonly registered:
The LLC (Limited Liability Company) that does not have permanent establishement in the USA has numerous advantages, such as : corporate tax exemption, no bookeeping or the possibility of having an anoymous company. Only the members of LLCs are responsible for declaring their incomes in their country of residency, and therefore their taxation is based on the number of shares they own along with the company’s net profit. Furthermore, the assets transferred to the company are unseizable.
- O% Corporate taxes
- No minimum capital required
- Anonymous company
- Minimum bureaucracy
- Company formation within 48 hours
- Access to all payment processors : Stripe, Paypal…
- Unseizability of your assets

Mandatory bookkeeping | No |
Account opening | 15 days |
Mandatory travel | No |
Intracommunity VAT | Yes, on demand |
Obtaining of residency via company | Oui |
Access to European market | Oui |